Monday, October 31, 2011

Their First Year

The first year of Corbin and Connor's life went by so fast.  Its crazy how having kids makes one feel older and makes you realize how fast time goes by, especially when you see your children change and grow so much in such a short time. 

I am trying to get up to date with my posts so I am just going to give you a breif overview of their first year and share pictures.

The boys were born in Janurary and spent 23 days in the hospital before comming home.  In Feburary both sets of Grandparents and Uncle Jason came out to Montana to see us.  I went back to work in March.  In April we all four went back to Iowa for two weeks to see family and friends.  Over the summer months Aunt Courtney lived with us and helped watch the boys and helped with the kettle corn business. In the Fall of 2010 Clint went back to Iowa for 6 weeks to work on the farm.  While he was gone Grandpa and Grandma Victora came up for a week to help me with the boys.  In December Clint's family came up to celebrate Christmas and the boys first Birthday.

In the hospital Corbin (L) Connor (R)

Sharing an incubiator

They Love to sleep next to each other

Connor about 9 months

Corbin about 9 months

Christmas 2010

Their First Birthday


Monday, October 24, 2011

The birth of my Twins

Corbin Danny Deardorff and Connor Michael Deardorff suprised mommy and daddy when they decided to arrive into this world 8 weeks early. It all started Saturday Janurary 2, 2010. The day started out just like any other day. I got up and went to work at the bank from 8:45 to 11:00am and felt fine the whole time. When I got off of work I went to the grocery store to buy a few items and get a frozen pizza for lunch. I got home, brought the food into the house put it away and turned on the oven on to preheat for my pizza. As usual, I had to go to the bathroom, to my suprise when I went in there I noticed that I had some slight bleeding.

My whole pregnancy was really pretty easy with no complations so when I noticed the bleeding I started to freak out. I called the hospital and told them what was going on. Luckly my doctor was on call so I was able to talk to her. She informed me that it is normal to have some bleeding and not to worry. She did, however, want me to come in and get things checked out since we live and hour and a half away from the hospital. I grabbed a few things, just incase I was going to need to be observed over night. I knew that I was not emotionally stable enough to drive myself and Clint was out on a snowmobile trip so I called our friend Mallory. What a wonderfull friend she is, she immediately dropped everthing and came over to pick me up to take me to the hospital in Bozeman. Taylor offered to go out into the backcountry and find Clint so that he could be there with me. Since I didn't know what was going on I didn't want to worry him and figured I would contact him after I had been checked out at the hospital.

The whole drive to Bozeman I had a million thoughts running through my head. I did my best to stay talking with Mallory to keep my mind off of what was going on with my body. We finally got to the hospital at about 2:00 pm. The nursers took me back to Labor and Delivery, had me change into a hospital gown and started running some tests. After The doctor came in and checked things out, she told me that I was having minor contractions and was dialated to 1 cenimeter.

This was still not anything to be alarmed about, many women start labor weeks before actually delivering. She informed me that she wanted to give me steriod shots, just in case, and to monitor me over night since we live so far from the hospital. She also informed me that I was going to be put on bed rest and would not be able to return back to work.

It was about 3:30pm by now and I had Mallory call her husband Chad who was going to inform Clint what was happening. There was still no rush to have Clint at the hospital. As they continued to observe me I began to have more contractions, some of them even began to hurt. The doctor gave me some medication to help slow down the contractions and they continued to monitor me and the babies. Clint finally got back from his trip around 4:30 pm and was able to call and talk to me. I told him what was going on and he got things ready to come be with me in Bozeman.

He arrived at the hospital around 7:00pm. I was so glad that he was there with me. Over the next few hours as they continued to monitor me I had a few more contractions. By 10:00 pm I was starting to do better. Clint decided to try and get some sleep so he stayed the night at my cousin Adam and Matt's place. In the middle of the night at 2:45am I woke up to use the bathroom. To my suprise, again, while I was in the rest room my water began to break. The nurse called my doctor and I called Clint, he even got to the hospital before the doctor did. When the doctor came in she told us that the boys were going to be born some time that day, Janurary 3, 2010.

At this point the positioning of the boys and the progress of my contractions allowed for us to try to have the babies naturally. My contractions continued to get worse and I was able to get an epideral. It was very painful to have the needle poked into my spin but the pain medication made it worth it. By 9:30 am my labor was not progressing like they had hoped. Corbin and Connor were in two spearte sacks and my water had only broken for Corbin. Connor was doing fine but they had some concerns with Corbin. Being premature, out of the water sack, and not progressing he was getting alittle distressed. The doctor came in and gave us two options. She could either enduce me into labor, which could still take several hours, or she could do a c-section. I decided to have the c-section I was ready for the boys to be out and I didn't want to take the risk of labor still not progressing fast enough.

They wheeled me into the operating room and got me all preped for surgery. I was really nervous, not so much for the operation, but for the health of my two boys. After only 15 minutes I heard the first cry. Corbin Danny was born at 10:20am, he was 4 lbs .06 oz and was 18 inches long. One minute later at 10:21am Connor Michael was born , he weighed 4 lbs 2.5 oz and was 18 1/2 inches long. Clint went with the boys to the nursery where they were exaimened. I was in the operation room for aother 20 minutes while they stitched me back up. I was then taken to a recovery room for about an hour before I was able to go in a see my two beautiful boys

We weren't able to hold them yet but it was amazing to get to see and touch them. The rest of the day went by so fast. Clint and I were busy calling family and friends telling them the good news.

Clint, Heather, and Connor Deardorff

Clint, Heather, and Corbin Deardorff

Corbin Danny

Connor Michael

First time I got to hold my boys!

July 15, 2009 Letter to Babies

Dear Babies Deardorff,

I went to the doctor yesterday for my first appointment and boy was I surprised to find out that there are two of you.  The funny part is that twins fun in the family and the last couple of days I kept thinking about having twins and that it could be possible.  I even told the doctor when she was asking about my famliy history that twins are possible and that I wouldn't be shocked only a little surprised if I was having twins.

They did an ultra sound at my appointment and I got to see the heart beating for both of you.  I even got a picture.  You both look like little peanuts.  I am so excited and already falling in love with you.

Clint and I told our parents, family, and friends on July 7, 2009 that we were expecting.  Then yesterday after we found out we were having twins we told them. Everyone is so excited about the two of you.  Many of out family and friends (and your Father) didn't even believe we were having twins and thought we were joking.


July 2, 2009 Letter to Baby

Dear Baby Deardorff,

Your Mother and Father recently found our that they were expecting you.  I took a pregnancy test on Saturday June 27, 2009 and it was positive.  I then took two other tests and they both said the same thing.  On June 29, 2009 I went to the clinic in town and had another test and it was confirmed, I was pregnant.

I made an appoingmte to see the doctor for July 14, 2009.  I can't wait talk to the doctor and get my questions answered and find out more about you and how you will develop in the next nine months.

Clint and I were't planning on trying for children at this time but we are excited about having you.  We even already have names picked out for you.  If you a a boy we want to name you Corbin Danny and if you are a girl London Madison.


How it all began

Heather Nicole and Clinton Michael meet each other through an online dating service and had our first date on October 22, 2005.  It was after an ISU football game, and it was love at first sight. 

We have talked to each other every single day since that first date.  It was on our second date that Clint told me he loved me for the first time.  I eventually told him I loved him too but it was minutes later.  After he said I Love You there was complete silence for what seemed like forever.  I didn't know what to say.  Inside I felt like I loved him too but I had only known the guy for two weeks and didn't think I could be in love that fast. 

In February 2006 Clint and I took our first vacation together and we went to Canada and Niagara Falls.  We had lots of fun and enjoyed the beauty of Niagara Falls in the winter.  Many of our friends and family thought we were going to come back from vacation married, (we didn't) and thought it was too soon to be taking a vacation together. 

In December of 2006 Clint moved to Montana to be a snowmobile guide in the mountains.  I followed him out there and moved in February of 2007.  I was nervous about moving so far away but I decided to take a leap of faith and followed him out there.  It wasn't until December 23, 2007 that Clint proposed.

December 23, 2007: Towards the end of the day snowmobiling we made our way up Lions Head Mountain, this was not an easy task. I was having troubles getting up the mountain and was getting very frustrated.  Clint came back down the mountain and encouraged me to climb the mountain "If you don't climb the mountain you can't see the view".  Once we got up there the view was amazing. Clint came over to tell me how proud he was of me and that since he was so proud of me he was going to surprise me and tell me what my Christmas present was.  He asked me to close my eyes and put our my hands, and knee deep in the snow he put a box in my hands and asked me to marry him.

November 8, 2008 Clint and Heather were united in marriage.