Monday, October 24, 2011

July 15, 2009 Letter to Babies

Dear Babies Deardorff,

I went to the doctor yesterday for my first appointment and boy was I surprised to find out that there are two of you.  The funny part is that twins fun in the family and the last couple of days I kept thinking about having twins and that it could be possible.  I even told the doctor when she was asking about my famliy history that twins are possible and that I wouldn't be shocked only a little surprised if I was having twins.

They did an ultra sound at my appointment and I got to see the heart beating for both of you.  I even got a picture.  You both look like little peanuts.  I am so excited and already falling in love with you.

Clint and I told our parents, family, and friends on July 7, 2009 that we were expecting.  Then yesterday after we found out we were having twins we told them. Everyone is so excited about the two of you.  Many of out family and friends (and your Father) didn't even believe we were having twins and thought we were joking.


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