Monday, October 31, 2011

Their First Year

The first year of Corbin and Connor's life went by so fast.  Its crazy how having kids makes one feel older and makes you realize how fast time goes by, especially when you see your children change and grow so much in such a short time. 

I am trying to get up to date with my posts so I am just going to give you a breif overview of their first year and share pictures.

The boys were born in Janurary and spent 23 days in the hospital before comming home.  In Feburary both sets of Grandparents and Uncle Jason came out to Montana to see us.  I went back to work in March.  In April we all four went back to Iowa for two weeks to see family and friends.  Over the summer months Aunt Courtney lived with us and helped watch the boys and helped with the kettle corn business. In the Fall of 2010 Clint went back to Iowa for 6 weeks to work on the farm.  While he was gone Grandpa and Grandma Victora came up for a week to help me with the boys.  In December Clint's family came up to celebrate Christmas and the boys first Birthday.

In the hospital Corbin (L) Connor (R)

Sharing an incubiator

They Love to sleep next to each other

Connor about 9 months

Corbin about 9 months

Christmas 2010

Their First Birthday


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