Monday, October 24, 2011

How it all began

Heather Nicole and Clinton Michael meet each other through an online dating service and had our first date on October 22, 2005.  It was after an ISU football game, and it was love at first sight. 

We have talked to each other every single day since that first date.  It was on our second date that Clint told me he loved me for the first time.  I eventually told him I loved him too but it was minutes later.  After he said I Love You there was complete silence for what seemed like forever.  I didn't know what to say.  Inside I felt like I loved him too but I had only known the guy for two weeks and didn't think I could be in love that fast. 

In February 2006 Clint and I took our first vacation together and we went to Canada and Niagara Falls.  We had lots of fun and enjoyed the beauty of Niagara Falls in the winter.  Many of our friends and family thought we were going to come back from vacation married, (we didn't) and thought it was too soon to be taking a vacation together. 

In December of 2006 Clint moved to Montana to be a snowmobile guide in the mountains.  I followed him out there and moved in February of 2007.  I was nervous about moving so far away but I decided to take a leap of faith and followed him out there.  It wasn't until December 23, 2007 that Clint proposed.

December 23, 2007: Towards the end of the day snowmobiling we made our way up Lions Head Mountain, this was not an easy task. I was having troubles getting up the mountain and was getting very frustrated.  Clint came back down the mountain and encouraged me to climb the mountain "If you don't climb the mountain you can't see the view".  Once we got up there the view was amazing. Clint came over to tell me how proud he was of me and that since he was so proud of me he was going to surprise me and tell me what my Christmas present was.  He asked me to close my eyes and put our my hands, and knee deep in the snow he put a box in my hands and asked me to marry him.

November 8, 2008 Clint and Heather were united in marriage.

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